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Emocjonalne zdjęcia ostatnich chwil właścicieli ze zwierzętami. Ich czworonożni przyjaciele przechodzą za „tęczowy most”

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Utrata ukochanego zwierzęcia jest bolesna i pełna łez. Fotograf, Ross Taylor uwiecznił na zdjęciach surową rzeczywistość pożegnania zwierzęcia z właścicielem. Powstałe obrazy są szczerymi i pełnymi szacunku dowodami niezaprzeczalnych więzi między ludźmi a ich towarzyszami. Zdjęcia są bardzo emocjonalne, przygotujcie chusteczki.

Śmierć zwierzęcia to trauma, którą wielu z nas doświadczyło lub doświadczy. Gdy człowiek przez lata opiekuje się, wszystkiego uczy i troszczy się o swojego czworonożnego przyjaciela, moment odejścia za przysłowiowy „tęczowy most” jest pełen bólu i łez. Dla wielu ludzi strata psa porównywalna jest do straty związanej ze śmiercią bliskiej osoby. Trudno wyobrazić sobie, że nie przywita nas więcej merdający ogon czy miauczenie. Przez lata codziennego życia ze zwierzęciem, zawiązuje się silna więź, a decyzja o eutanazji czworonoga jest jedną z najtrudniejszych do podjęcia w naszym życiu.

Fotograf, Ross Taylor tworzył esej fotograficzny pt. „Last Moments” (ostatnie chwile), dokumentując ostatnie momenty przed i po śmierci ukochanego zwierzaka – intensywne świadectwo więzi, pełne bólu. W skali kraju dziesiątki tysięcy właścicieli zwierząt domowych każdego roku przeżywa to bolesne doświadczenie. Ten smutek nie powinien zostać przeoczony, ani zminimalizowany przez innych.

Mamy nadzieję, że ludzie nigdy nie powiedzą komuś po stracie zwierzaka, „Och, to tylko pies” lub „To tylko kot, możesz mieć następnego”. Ważne, aby szanować ból, który wiąże się ze stratą czworonożnego przyjaciela.

Zobacz pełne smutku i żalu zdjęcia.

1. Olesya Lykovi krzyczy z bólu, chwilę po śmierci swojego psa, Sama. Chwilę wcześniej spojrzała na dr. Dani McVety (z prawej strony) i spytała: „Czy on odszedł?” McVety skinęła głową i powiedziała: „Ma teraz swoje skrzydła”.

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This is a long post, so bear with me, but I want the pending images to have proper context. Over the past couple of years, I’ve been working on a photographic project and feature-length film that explores the last moments people share with their pets before and after an at-home pet euthanasia. · I recognize this topic carries a lot of emotional weight. I have an immense amount of respect for those who are going through this. It’s one of the most intense moments I’ve ever witnessed. The human animal-bond is one that shouldn’t be overlooked – when someone says they’re going through the loss of a pet, I now more fervently understand just how devastating that can be. Those who are going through this, I can attest that at-home pet euthanasia can be a much more peaceful passing. If you’re going through this now, feel free to reach out for support. · I reached out to a number of organizations while exploring this topic and one – Lap of Love, responded immediately. I can’t thank Paula Ford enough for responding to that email. Her kindness opened the connection with the founder, Dr.Dani McVety. I’m also profoundly thankful to Dani for her trust while documenting these sacred spaces. She is one of the most impressive people I have ever met. · I also want to thank all the veterinarians, and the rest of the staff at Lap of Love. This thanks also includes the folks at Caring Pathways in Denver. All of them are amazing people, and have my deep respect. · I appreciate Thomas Simonetti and the folks over at Washington Post Visuals for taking the care and time to publish the images as well. Thomas, thank you so much. Thank you once again to the Washington Post for publishing this. I'm exceedingly grateful: Over the next week or so I’ll be posting images from the project. Image caption: Olesya Lykovi cries out in anguish, moments after the death of her dog, Sam. Moments before, she looked at Dr. Dani McVety, at right and asked, “Is he gone?” Dani nodded and said, “He has his wings now.” #love #pets #lastmoments

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2. Ally, krótko przed śmiercią, spogląda na doktor Ericę Unz, która pociesza rodzinę w trudnym momencie. Vanessa Gangadyal (w środku) walczy ze łzami, opierając się o swojego męża, Michaela.

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Vanessa Gangadyal consoles her son, Ian, 8 while her husband Michael Gangadyal pets their dog, Ally, shortly it’s passing. At right is Erica Unz, a veterinarian with a deep compassion, who comforts the family in the difficult moment. • “Last Moments,” is a photo essay that explores the intimacy of the human-animal bond – specifically, the last moments before, and after, the passing of a pet at home with their owner. It is a somber, and intense, testimony to the bond and the pain that comes when it is broken. • This series looks at the intense connection shared between people and their pets. The decision to have at-home pet euthanasia is part of an emerging trend (to have end of life care in the home, instead of in a clinic). Nationally, scores of pet owners go through this painful experience each year. It’s important to note the immense care and compassion that the veterinarian community demonstrates towards the families going through this. • It's also important for people going through this to know they're not alone in their grief, and importantly, that their grief is not to be taken lightly. #love #pets #lastmoments •

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Ich 8-letni syn także mocno przeżywał odejście psiego przyjaciela.

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Vanessa Gangadyal consoles her son, Ian, 8 while her husband Michael Gangadyal pets their dog, Ally, shortly it’s passing. • “Last Moments,” is a photo essay that explores the intimacy of the human-animal bond – specifically, the last moments before, and after, the passing of a pet at home with their owner. It is a somber, and intense, testimony to the bond and the pain that comes when it is broken. • This series looks at the intense connection shared between people and their pets. The decision to have at-home pet euthanasia is part of an emerging trend (to have end of life care in the home, instead of in a clinic). Nationally, scores of pet owners go through this painful experience each year. It’s important to note the immense care and compassion that the veterinarian community demonstrates towards the families going through this. • It's also important for people going through this to know they're not alone in their grief, and importantly, that their grief is not to be taken lightly. #love #pets #lastmoments •

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3. „Miałem nadzieję, że mogę dać mu magiczną pigułkę, która go wyleczy (…) dobry chłopiec, Woody, dobry chłopiec. Będę za tobą tęsknić ”, powiedział Gary Clay do swojego psa, Woody`ego, gdy ten zdechł.

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"I hoped I could give him a magic pill to make him better,” Gary Clay said of his dog, Woody, under his breath as his dog slipped away. "Good boy Woody, good boy. I’m going to miss you." • “Last Moments,” is a photo essay that explores the intimacy of the human-animal bond – specifically, the last moments before, and after, the passing of a pet at home with their owner. It is a somber, and intense, testimony to the bond and the pain that comes when it is broken. • This series examines the intense connection shared between people and their pets. The decision to have at-home pet euthanasia is part of an emerging trend (to have end of life care in the home, instead of in a clinic). Nationally, tens of thousands of pet owners go through this painful experience each year. • It's important for people going through this to know they're not alone in their grief, and that it's not to be taken lightly. #love #pets #lastmoments

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4. Dr Dani McVety trzyma odcisk łapy swojego psa, który zrobiła wkrótce po jego śmierci.

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We were once here. • It’s the phrase I think about whenever I see this image after Asia passed away. Dr. Dani McVety tenderly made a paw print for Carrie and Rob Peterson shortly after Asia died. • We were once here. • I think about this often, not just towards animals, but to all that we hold and love dear. • Today will be my last day posting on the project, "Last Moments". Thanks for everyone who has reached out along the way, it's meant a lot to me. • “Last Moments,” is a photo essay that explores the intimacy of the human-animal bond – specifically, the last moments before, and after, the passing of a pet at home with their owner. It is a somber, and intense, testimony to the bond and the pain that comes when it is broken. • This series looks at the intense connection shared between people and their pets. The decision to have at-home pet euthanasia is part of an emerging trend (to have end of life care in the home, instead of in a clinic). Nationally, scores of pet owners go through this painful experience each year. It’s important to note the immense care and compassion that the veterinarian community demonstrates towards the families going through this. • It's also important for people going through this to know they're not alone in their grief, and importantly, that their grief is not to be taken lightly. #love #pets #lastmoments •

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5. „Ona zawsze była moją towarzyszką”, powiedziała Rebecca Cassity, walcząc ze łzami nad Coco. Obok jej mąż Drew.

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“She’s always been my companion. Coco was there for me when he was on deployment,” said Rebecca Cassity, as she fights back tears. Her husband, Drew (at right) was in the military and also struggled in the final moments. During the procedure Dr. McVety reassures her with a hug and consoling words: “This is better treatment than any one of us would get.” • Today will be my last day posting on the project, "Last Moments". Thanks for everyone who has reached out along the way, it's meant a lot to me. • “Last Moments,” is a photo essay that explores the intimacy of the human-animal bond – specifically, the last moments before, and after, the passing of a pet at home with their owner. It is a somber, and intense, testimony to the bond and the pain that comes when it is broken. • This series looks at the intense connection shared between people and their pets. The decision to have at-home pet euthanasia is part of an emerging trend (to have end of life care in the home, instead of in a clinic). Nationally, scores of pet owners go through this painful experience each year. It’s important to note the immense care and compassion that the veterinarian community demonstrates towards the families going through this. • It's also important for people going through this to know they're not alone in their grief, and importantly, that their grief is not to be taken lightly. #love #pets #lastmoments •

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6. Przed podaniem zastrzyku Erica Unz zapytała Wendy i Richa, czy są gotowi. „Nie wiem, czy kiedykolwiek będziemy gotowi, ale myślę, że już czas” – powiedziała Wendy Lehr, zanim zaczęła otwarcie płakać, po raz ostatni przytulając swojego psa, Mimosa.

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Wendy Lehr met Dr. Erica Unz with tears in her eyes. As they settled into the living room, thunder boomed outside. A heavy rain pattered against the roof. Mimosa, center, didn’t move and Wendy Lehr notices it. “She’s normally scared of it.” After awhile, Erica Unz asked if they’re ready. “I don’t know if we’ll ever be ready, but I guess it’s time," she said before starting to openly sob. It was one of the hardest cases I've witnessed and brought me to tears immediately. I felt so sad for them. • Today will be my last day posting on the project, "Last Moments". Thanks for everyone who has reached out along the way, it's meant a lot to me. • “Last Moments,” is a photo essay that explores the intimacy of the human-animal bond – specifically, the last moments before, and after, the passing of a pet at home with their owner. It is a somber, and intense, testimony to the bond and the pain that comes when it is broken. • This series looks at the intense connection shared between people and their pets. The decision to have at-home pet euthanasia is part of an emerging trend (to have end of life care in the home, instead of in a clinic). Nationally, scores of pet owners go through this painful experience each year. It’s important to note the immense care and compassion that the veterinarian community demonstrates towards the families going through this. • It's also important for people going through this to know they're not alone in their grief, and importantly, that their grief is not to be taken lightly. #love #pets #lastmoments •

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To był jeden z najtrudniejszych przypadków, których świadkiem był fotograf Ros Taylor. On także nie potrafił powstrzymać łez.

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In one of the most intense moments I’ve ever witnessed, Wendy Lehr cuddled beside her dog, Mimosa, shortly after she passed. The muffled sounds of her cries filled the empty room as she nuzzled against her face. In the wake of a following silence, she cried out. “Oh my baby, oh my baby. What am going to do without you?” My heart broke. • Today will be my last day posting on the project, "Last Moments". Thanks for everyone who has reached out along the way, it's meant a lot to me. • “Last Moments,” is a photo essay that explores the intimacy of the human-animal bond – specifically, the last moments before, and after, the passing of a pet at home with their owner. It is a somber, and intense, testimony to the bond and the pain that comes when it is broken. • This series looks at the intense connection shared between people and their pets. The decision to have at-home pet euthanasia is part of an emerging trend (to have end of life care in the home, instead of in a clinic). Nationally, scores of pet owners go through this painful experience each year. It’s important to note the immense care and compassion that the veterinarian community demonstrates towards the families going through this. • It's also important for people going through this to know they're not alone in their grief, and importantly, that their grief is not to be taken lightly. #love #pets #lastmoments •

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7. Marquita Leibe płacze blisko swojego psa, Daisy, kilka minut po uśpieniu. Wraz z nią jest jej mąż, Donald.

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Marquita Leibe paced back and forth shortly before bending down to be near her dog, Daisy, minutes before she is put to sleep. At right is her husband, Donald. Shortly after, he stepped outside to compose himself, overwhelmed with grief. • “Last Moments,” is a photo essay that explores the intimacy of the human-animal bond – specifically, the last moments before, and after, the passing of a pet at home with their owner. It is a somber, and intense, testimony to the bond and the pain that comes when it is broken. • This series looks at the intense connection shared between people and their pets. The decision to have at-home pet euthanasia is part of an emerging trend (to have end of life care in the home, instead of in a clinic). Nationally, scores of pet owners go through this painful experience each year. It’s important to note the immense care and compassion that the veterinarian community demonstrates towards the families going through this. • It's also important for people going through this to know they're not alone in their grief, and importantly, that their grief is not to be taken lightly. #love #pets #lastmoments •

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8. Kiara Manrique chwilę po śmierci swojego psa, Sparky’ego. „Próbowałam zrobić więcej, starałam się zrobić wszystko, co mogłam. Ale powiedzieli, że nic więcej nie mogę zrobić” – powiedziała, płacząc. Z nią jest jej siostra, Kimberly.

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“I tried to do more, I tried to do all I can. But they said there’s nothing more I can do,” Kiara Manrique said while weeping at the loss of her dog. At left is her sister, Kimberly, and veterinarian Nil Wilkins (unseen) who later reached out to comfort her. • “Last Moments,” is a photo essay that explores the intimacy of the human-animal bond – specifically, the last moments before, and after, the passing of a pet at home with their owner. It is a somber, and intense, testimony to the bond and the pain that comes when it is broken. • This series looks at the intense connection shared between people and their pets. The decision to have at-home pet euthanasia is part of an emerging trend (to have end of life care in the home, instead of in a clinic). Nationally, scores of pet owners go through this painful experience each year. It’s important to note the immense care and compassion that the veterinarian community demonstrates towards the families going through this. • It's also important for people going through this to know they're not alone in their grief, and importantly, that their grief is not to be taken lightly. #love #pets #lastmoments •

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9. „Nigdy nie ma wystarczająco dużo czasu” – powiedział Donnie Leibe. „Nigdy nie mamy ich wystarczająco długo”, dodał krótko przed tym, jak jego pies Daisy, został uśpiony.

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“There’s never enough time,” said Donnie Leibe. "We never have them long enough," he added shortly before his dog, Daisy, at left, is put to sleep. • “Last Moments,” is a photo essay that explores the intimacy of the human-animal bond – specifically, the last moments before, and after, the passing of a pet at home with their owner. It is a somber, and intense, testimony to the bond and the pain that comes when it is broken. • This series looks at the intense connection shared between people and their pets. The decision to have at-home pet euthanasia is part of an emerging trend (to have end of life care in the home, instead of in a clinic). Nationally, scores of pet owners go through this painful experience each year. It’s important to note the immense care and compassion that the veterinarian community demonstrates towards the families going through this. • It's also important for people going through this to know they're not alone in their grief, and importantly, that their grief is not to be taken lightly. #love #pets #lastmoments

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10. W spokojnym i czułym momencie Kimberly Manrique żegna swojego psa, Sparky’ego. Chociaż to trudne, proces eutanazji w domu może być mniej bolesny.

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In a quiet and tender moment, Kimberly Manrique looks at Sparky, just after the dog was put to sleep. While difficult, the at-home euthanasia process can be one that mitigates some of the painful reality of the end of life. It’s worth noting that the vets I’ve worked with are some of the most compassionate people I’ve met, and always offer the families a chance to have a respectful moment afterwards with their beloved pet. It’s in stillness of these moments that I sometimes felt the most emotional for everyone involved. • “Last Moments,” is a photo essay that explores the intimacy of the human-animal bond – specifically, the last moments before, and after, the passing of a pet at home with their owner. It is a somber, and intense, testimony to the bond and the pain that comes when it is broken. • This series looks at the intense connection shared between people and their pets. The decision to have at-home pet euthanasia is part of an emerging trend (to have end of life care in the home, instead of in a clinic). Nationally, scores of pet owners go through this painful experience each year. It’s important to note the immense care and compassion that the veterinarian community demonstrates towards the families going through this. • It's also important for people going through this to know they're not alone in their grief, and importantly, that their grief is not to be taken lightly. #love #pets #lastmoments

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11. „Co mam zrobić?” David Thompson zapłakał krótko, zanim jego pies Spartanin, został uśpiony na łodzi mieszkalnej, znajdującej się w Port Hudson na Florydzie. „Jesteś najlepszym przyjacielem, jakiego mógłbym kiedykolwiek mieć, jesteś moim pierwszym partnerem” – powiedział. Z nim jest jego żona, Marie.

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“What am I going to do? What am I going to do?” David Thompson cries over and over shortly before his dog, Spartan, was later euthanized on their house boat located in Port Hudson, Florida. "You’re the best friend I could ever have, you’re my first mate" he said. At right is his wife, Marie.. • “Last Moments,” is a photo essay that explores the intimacy of the human-animal bond – specifically, the last moments before, and after, the passing of a pet at home with their owner. It is a somber, and intense, testimony to the bond and the pain that comes when it is broken. • This series looks at the intense connection shared between people and their pets. The decision to have at-home pet euthanasia is part of an emerging trend (to have end of life care in the home, instead of in a clinic). Nationally, scores of pet owners go through this painful experience each year. It’s important to note the immense care and compassion that the veterinarian community demonstrates towards the families going through this. • It's also important for people going through this to know they're not alone in their grief, and importantly, that their grief is not to be taken lightly. #love #pets #lastmoments •

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12. Juliet Rubio, leży obok swojego psa, Dingo kilka chwil przed eutanazją. „Nienawidzę tego, nienawidzę tego”, powtarzała raz za razem przed ostatnim zastrzykiem. Kiedy odszedł, płakała, mówiąc „Kocham cię. Niedługo znowu będziesz wolny”.

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“I always felt safe with him,” said Juliet Rubio as she laid by her dog, Dingo, who is 12. “I hate this, I hate this,” she said over and over again before the passing of Dingo. “He’s given me so much comfort.” As he started to die she cried over him saying over and over, “I love you, I love you. Soon, you’re going to be free again.” • “Last Moments,” is a photo essay that explores the intimacy of the human-animal bond – specifically, the last moments before, and after, the passing of a pet at home with their owner. It is a somber, and intense, testimony to the bond and the pain that comes when it is broken. • This series looks at the intense connection shared between people and their pets. The decision to have at-home pet euthanasia is part of an emerging trend (to have end of life care in the home, instead of in a clinic). Nationally, scores of pet owners go through this painful experience each year. It’s important to note the immense care and compassion that the veterinarian community demonstrates towards the families going through this. • It's also important for people going through this to know they're not alone in their grief, and importantly, that their grief is not to be taken lightly. #love #pets #lastmoments •

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13. Darcy Jones (po lewej) rozmawia z dr Loren Gassler na temat jej 15-letniego psa, Alli, który zmagał się z rakiem. Gassler radziła, jak najlepiej spędzić czas, jaki im został.

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Darcy Jones, left, speaks with Dr. Loren Gassler about her dog, Alli, 15, who had some balancing issues and was struggling with a diagnosis of cancer. Dr. Gassler was performing a hospice visit for Jones, to offer some suggestions on how best to handle the remaining time they would have together. Dr. Loren, and so many others like her, are amazing at what they do and help the painful transition daily, without drawing attention to themselves. They have my respect. • Today will be my last day posting on the project, "Last Moments". Thanks for everyone who has reached out along the way, it's meant a lot to me. • “Last Moments,” is a photo essay that explores the intimacy of the human-animal bond – specifically, the last moments before, and after, the passing of a pet at home with their owner. It is a somber, and intense, testimony to the bond and the pain that comes when it is broken. • This series looks at the intense connection shared between people and their pets. The decision to have at-home pet euthanasia is part of an emerging trend (to have end of life care in the home, instead of in a clinic). Nationally, scores of pet owners go through this painful experience each year. It’s important to note the immense care and compassion that the veterinarian community demonstrates towards the families going through this. • It's also important for people going through this to know they're not alone in their grief, and importantly, that their grief is not to be taken lightly. #love #pets #lastmoments •

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14. Leigh Zahn całuje swojego psa Spencera ostatni raz, kilka chwil po jego śmierci.

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Leigh Zahn fights back tears as she lays with her dog, Spencer, in her lap a final time, just moments after Spencer passed. • “Last Moments,” is a photo essay that explores the intimacy of the human-animal bond – specifically, the last moments before, and after, the passing of a pet at home with their owner. It is a somber, and intense, testimony to the bond and the pain that comes when it is broken. • This series looks at the intense connection shared between people and their pets. The decision to have at-home pet euthanasia is part of an emerging trend (to have end of life care in the home, instead of in a clinic). Nationally, scores of pet owners go through this painful experience each year. It’s important to note the immense care and compassion that the veterinarian community demonstrates towards the families going through this. • It's also important for people going through this to know they're not alone in their grief, and importantly, that their grief is not to be taken lightly. #love #pets #lastmoments

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15. „Kocham cię od tak dawna”, powiedziała Juliet Rubio, zanim owinęła swojego psa, Dingo, w koc przed pogrzebem.

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“I’ve loved you for so long,” said Juliet Rubio before she wrapped her dog, Dingo, in one of her blankets before his burial. • “Last Moments,” is a photo essay that explores the intimacy of the human-animal bond – specifically, the last moments before, and after, the passing of a pet at home with their owner. It is a somber, and intense, testimony to the bond and the pain that comes when it is broken. • This series looks at the intense connection shared between people and their pets. The decision to have at-home pet euthanasia is part of an emerging trend (to have end of life care in the home, instead of in a clinic). Nationally, scores of pet owners go through this painful experience each year. It’s important to note the immense care and compassion that the veterinarian community demonstrates towards the families going through this. • It's also important for people going through this to know they're not alone in their grief, and importantly, that their grief is not to be taken lightly. #love #pets #lastmoments •

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16. „To nigdy nie jest łatwe”, powiedziała Juliet, płacząc długo przed tym, jak jej pies, Dingo, został uśpiony. Dingo miał ponad 12 lat i zmagał się z wieloma problemami zdrowotnymi.

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“It's never easy," said Juliet Rubio, weeping, not long before her dog, Dingo, was euthanized. Dingo was over 12 years old and was struggling with multiple health issues. Afterwards, Juliet Rubio, left, and Dr. Erica Unz carried her dog, Dingo (wrapped in a blanket) outside her home. As Erica moves to leaves she hugged her. “Thank you so much, you made it so much easier. You’re really wonderful.” • “Last Moments,” is a photo essay that explores the intimacy of the human-animal bond – specifically, the last moments before, and after, the passing of a pet at home with their owner. It is a somber, and intense, testimony to the bond and the pain that comes when it is broken. • This series looks at the intense connection shared between people and their pets. The decision to have at-home pet euthanasia is part of an emerging trend (to have end of life care in the home, instead of in a clinic). Nationally, scores of pet owners go through this painful experience each year. It’s important to note the immense care and compassion that the veterinarian community demonstrates towards the families going through this. • It's also important for people going through this to know they're not alone in their grief, and importantly, that their grief is not to be taken lightly. #love #pets #lastmoments

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17. „Nie czuję się teraz dobrze”, powiedziała Jennifer Hoch, całując swojego kota na do widzenia. Shadow umierał na raka. Obok siedzi jej przyjaciółka, Ruby Nelms, która powiedziała: „Nie pozwoliłabym jej przejść przez to samej”. 

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“I don’t feel so good right now,” said Jennifer Hoch, at right, as before she kisses Shadow, her cat, goodbye. Shadow was dying of cancer, and Jennifer was clearly in a bit of shock. I felt so much sadness for her, as well as her friend, Ruby Nelms (at left). Nelms said,“I wouldn’t let her go through this alone.” As Shadow passes away, Jennifer kept repeating, “It’s ok baby, it’s ok.” One of her final words to her was, “You’re my angel. • Today will be my last day posting on the project, "Last Moments". Thanks for everyone who has reached out along the way, it's meant a lot to me. • “Last Moments,” is a photo essay that explores the intimacy of the human-animal bond – specifically, the last moments before, and after, the passing of a pet at home with their owner. It is a somber, and intense, testimony to the bond and the pain that comes when it is broken. • This series looks at the intense connection shared between people and their pets. The decision to have at-home pet euthanasia is part of an emerging trend (to have end of life care in the home, instead of in a clinic). Nationally, scores of pet owners go through this painful experience each year. It’s important to note the immense care and compassion that the veterinarian community demonstrates towards the families going through this. • It's also important for people going through this to know they're not alone in their grief, and importantly, that their grief is not to be taken lightly. #love #pets #lastmoments •

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18. „Kiedy byłem chory, wiedziała, że coś jest nie tak”, powiedział Bob Lutz o swoim psie, Heidi, która spoglądała na niego tuż przed uśpieniem. Jego żona Cindy, dodała: „Pomogła nam odebrać nasz ból”. Po prawej ich drugi pies, Winnie.

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“When I was sick, she knew something was wrong.” said Bob Lutz about their dog, Heidi, who looked up at them moments before she was euthanized – due to recent substantial declines in health. His wife, Cindy, added “She helped take away our pain.” At right watching is their other dog, Winnie. • “Last Moments,” is a photo essay that explores the intimacy of the human-animal bond – specifically, the last moments before, and after, the passing of a pet at home with their owner. It is a somber, and intense, testimony to the bond and the pain that comes when it is broken. • This series looks at the intense connection shared between people and their pets. The decision to have at-home pet euthanasia is part of an emerging trend (to have end of life care in the home, instead of in a clinic). Nationally, scores of pet owners go through this painful experience each year. It’s important to note the immense care and compassion that the veterinarian community demonstrates towards the families going through this. • It's also important for people going through this to know they're not alone in their grief, and importantly, that their grief is not to be taken lightly. #love #pets #lastmoments

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19. „Trudno się pożegnać”, powiedziała Carrie Peterson po tym, jak upuściła słoneczniki nad grobem swojego psa, Asi.

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“It’s tough saying goodbye,” said Carrie Peterson after she dropped sunflowers over the grave of her dog, Asia. The smell of freshly turned earth is what I remember, and how peaceful Asia looked within it. This is the final post of the “Last Moments” series here on Instagram. I’ll be working to complete a feature-length film on the topic this year, thanks largely with help from @lukerafferty. • There are not enough words which can convey how much this project has impacted me. Life can be profoundly difficult, and for many, our pets are a respite from the challenges of life. I can not possibly thank Dr. Dani McVety, the veterinarians and staff at Lap of Love and the folks over at Caring Pathways enough for trusting me. • Importantly, I also thank all of the families who have let me into their lives. This couldn’t be done without them. Thank you all so much. • “Last Moments,” is a photo essay that explores the intimacy of the human-animal bond – specifically, the last moments before, and after, the passing of a pet at home with their owner. It is a somber, and intense, testimony to the bond and the pain that comes when it is broken. • This series looks at the intense connection shared between people and their pets. The decision to have at-home pet euthanasia is part of an emerging trend (to have end of life care in the home, instead of in a clinic). Nationally, scores of pet owners go through this painful experience each year. It’s important to note the immense care and compassion that the veterinarian community demonstrates towards the families going through this. • It's also important for people going through this to know they're not alone in their grief, and importantly, that their grief is not to be taken lightly. #love #pets #lastmoments •

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